Sunday, June 25, 2023

Better Than Us

The Netflix recommendation algorithm is one of those mysterious black boxes that spews out an endless barrage of films and television shows. Most of it, frankly, is of little interest. Some is entertaining for mindless consumption and relaxation. However, once in a while, it spits out a gem that engrosses my attention, keeping me thinking about it long after the final episode ended. Recently, it offered up "Better Than Us" (originally in Russian "Лучше чем люди"). 

It's set in what I would consider a dystopian future. While humanoid robots are highly capable assistants governed by Asimov's three laws. These robots are highly integrated into society, aiding with everything from work to aiding the elderly with day to day tasks. However, this integration does come at the cost of some jobs. In response, a terrorist group called "The Liquidators" tries to combat this. At the same time, the largest company, Cronos, is pushing to start selling a new, more advanced model. Which just so happens to be able to ignore Asimov's laws. And in the midst of all this is a family trying its best to make it out safely. 

Several points stand out about this series. First is the plot and pacing. The story is compelling, and at the same time it's told at a great rate. There's intense parts interspersed with slow "breathing" points. And this helps make the intense parts even more exciting. Secondly, the world building is amazing. Show, don't tell, is a driving principle. Rather than having the easy approach of characters explaining for the viewer, the settings and actions provide all the necessary context. It's easy to immerse yourself, and there is no disconnected feeling. Finally, the characters. Gray morality abounds. Without a doubt, some characters are almost purely "good" or "bad". But even those do have streaks of complexity. They all make you think, and none are purely cut and dry. 

Overall, my main three criteria for a show are world, characters, and pacing (much like with books). And holy cow, this gave me everything I could want in spades. I rarely binge watch television, but I did with this and I loved it. Really strong recommendation.

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