Friday, June 10, 2022

Israel - Day 10

 I got up a bit earlier than usual to take a walk before the daytime heat sets in. Upon returning, I was set on breakfast, but found a slightly unexpected surprise- in observance of Sabbath the coffee maker was shut down. At least there was still hot water for tea and instant coffee, even if I missed the better tasting joe. The walk has really put me in the mood to eat, so I dined on chopped salad and yogurt. It was still only 8:30, and I had some time, so a cup of tea, some chocolate pudding, and a crossword puzzle accompanied me to the patio for a couple hours. 

Lunch was at 1:30ish and some walking around Netanya worked up a bit of an appetite. Meal options were very similar to last night's options, so once again vegetables, tahini, and hummus for me. The dessert was incredible though. Since non-dairy ice cream was served alongside a slice of apple strudel. The ice cream was fine, a mix of chocolate and vanilla, and the phyllo dough was not impressive. But the apple filling more than made up for any complaints I could have. Soft, stewed diced apple in a thick apple sauce. A hint of cinnamon was the perfect highlight for it, pairing perfectly for my improvised lemon slice and mint leaf brew.

Local snacks were meant to carry us until dinner- Shabbat and COVID testing would result in a late dinner. I ended up trying something I was told was halva bread. It was sprinkled with pistachio crumbles and frankly looked a little like baklava. However, the filling tasted like tahini. It was less sweet than I expected, which is a benefit. 

When we did go get dinner, most of the group voted for a restaurant considered to be the best burger joint in the city. Since it has vegetarian options and this was our last night, I decided to join them. A regrettable decision. I ordered an "Asian Salad" with added mushrooms. I was brought a salad with chicken. When I told the waitress that I had asked for mushrooms she apologized and brought me the same chicken salad with the mushrooms added. Only issue? They still were trying to give a vegetarian a chicken salad. I pointed this out and eventually got it with just mushrooms. But... They didn't bring me the bread that it was supposed to come with. I had to ask three more times over a ten-minute span before I was given the bread. Frankly, this is just pathetic service, especially for a meal that was ~$23. If you, dear reader, ever find yourself in Netanya, do yourself a favor and DON'T GO TO REUBEN'S!

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