Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Israel - Day 7

In general, the part of Jerusalem we're staying in has a very southern European feel to it. Reminiscent of Barcelona. When I walk around in the morning, I am geared by the early city bustle, the aroma of coffee and pastries wafting from the many cafes lining the street.

Last breakfast on this balcony. Watermelon and cottage cheese, washed down with some great cinnamon tea. Light and nutritious breakfasts are great for the hot environment I'm in. Afterwards, it's time to toss out bags on the bus and for the old city of Jerusalem. Lovely city, full of history, and a great experience.

For lunch, we returned to the market. It was bustling with activity. All around produce vendors and meat/fish vendors hawked their products. Fresh fruits and vegetables go for much better prices than the grocery store. Vendors selling spices, teas, and dried fruit eagerly vie for your attention, offering samples in the hope that you buy some (and let's just say they're pretty effective, their teas are delicious and will be accompanying me home). Small food stalls tried offered hot falafel, shawarma, pita... The small stand I stopped at sold me freshly made hummus, warm pitas, and falafel that they finished frying after I paid- less than a minute from oil to my mouth. Then, to finish up the meal, I found a coffee stand and had some cardamom-spiced Turkish coffee. Note: when you try ordering black coffee as an American tourist, they always think you want an Americano, even though when locals order black coffee, they're offered Turkish. Always need to clarify. Oh, and a fresh fruit cup for dessert, at much better prices than you find at American supermarkets.

After driving out to the northernmost parts of the Israeli desert, we ended up in a representative Bedouin village. The goal was to expose their culture and customs, including the tea ceremony and feeding camels. Dinner was traditional Bedouin cuisine, which is fairly traditional for this whole region. I had a plate of pita-like flatbread, hummus, and vegetable stew, but kabobs and chicken stew were served as well. The tea was black and very sweet, much like sweet tea in the American South. Bed for tonight will be a mattress in a Bedouin tent, but only after we go burn a small bonfire. 

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