Friday, July 15, 2022

A Freeform United Kingdom. No Plan, All Fun.

 Life has a funny way of turning out. Sometimes even the most meticulously crafted plans rapidly crumble. Or as SpaceX puts it, sometimes their rockets have a "RUD" occur- a Rapid Unexpected Disassembly. This time, my plans for a three week trip to Australia came crashing down. I planned my stays, found what to do, and so on. But wasn't able to actually go.

In the yin yang of life, this unexpected disappointment gave rise to a new joy- a spontaneous decision to visit the British Isles. And so with a one way ticket to Heathrow in hand, I set off to the airport with no plan, no idea where I would go, no idea what I would do, and crucially, not even where I would be staying. I just had my ticket, a backpack, and the desire to travel.

Traditionally, English aristocracy went on a "Grand Tour" of Europe, visiting cultural centers in France and Italy. Well now it's my turn. 

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