Sunday, July 17, 2022

British Isles - Day 2

The plane arrived at its gate in London at about 10:15. From the moment I landed, I knew where I wanted to go- the Westminster Abbey. However, Heathrow is rather far away, and thus isn’t one of the airports where I can simply walk out the door. On the bright side, it gave me a chance to fulfill a long-time dream of “minding the gap”. With my new Oyster card in hand and a general direction for where I wanted to go, I set off. I disembarked at Hyde Park. Without knowing about it, I had found my way to all of their military memorials for the British and Colonial troops lost fighting in the world wars. A slightly sobering start. But a Bakewell and some coffee perked me right up. I’d learned about the Bakewell tarts from Max Miller of “Tasting History”, a YouTube channel that discusses historical recipes and related historical topics. Since seeing that episode, I’d been thinking about making the almond and jam tart, but it’s much easier to just buy it at a pastry shop.

My walk then carried me past Buckingham palace and to the Parliament. Great buildings, but I was planning to return later for a changing of the guard, so I didn’t linger too long. Finally, I reached Westminster Abbey. As I came to discuss it later, generally people want to rub elbows with the religious and political elite to improve their status. However, the scientists and poets interred there are of such an importance, that it’s the kings wanting a bit of their fame. Newton, Hawking, Faraday, Chaucer, Shakespeare… Geniuses.

Eventually the audio tour ended, and I was starting to tire a bit from lugging my pack around, so I hopped on a bus to continue towards my hostel. If you think I merely settled for a ride, then… actually you’re right. The red double decker buses provide great views when sitting in the first row of the second level. Since most of the tourist stuff was closing, I took the time to jot down some ideas for the next few days.

Then it was time for dinner. In keeping with my “experience all that Britain can offer” mentality, I found a shop serving fish and chips and mushy peas, which I washed down with an ale. The food was fried fresh to order, making it crisp and hot. Flaky cod really does fry well.

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