Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Shadow of the Wind

Back in high school, I went through a phase where I loved mystery novels - Dan Brown, David Baldacci, and John Grisham have all earned themselves permanent spots on my bookshelf. However, in the last few years, fewer books of the genre have truly called out to me. Fantasy also has a prominent spot. Even historical fiction. Lately, though, it’s mostly been non-fiction and science fiction.
Then, following up on a recommendation from my grandfather, I picked up The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón. It’s hard to box it into a discrete category – elements of mystery, fantasy, romance, and horror are masterfully woven into a narrative tapestry set in the middle of 20th century Barcelona. It follows the adventures of Daniel, the son of a second-hand bookstore shop owner, on a quest to learn about the author of a book he fell in love with.
Mystery, intrigue, and conspiracies follow. Flashbacks gradually reveal the truth of the author’s life as the reader unravels the story alongside Daniel. But the mystery is supplemented by a strong love narrative and a convincing tale of friendship and camaraderie.
Before I accidentally spoil too much of the story, I also want to mention the language. Originally written in Spanish, The Shadow of the Wind reached me in its English translation. So, I can only truly attest to this version. However, it has some of the best writing that I have seen in a while. I pulled some of my favorite quotes to include in my reviews in the past. This time, I would need to quote half the novel. Furthermore, every description is perfectly balanced. Not excessively tedious lectures on every minute aspect which can make books hard to enjoy, but way more detailed than the broad strokes that are all too often the fallback of other authors. The images in my head were clear and at times it felt almost too real.
Please, do yourself a favor and read this. It has quickly risen to one of my favorite books of all time and I do not hesitate what so ever to heartily recommend it.



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