Sunday, December 17, 2023


The morality of new technology is a very timely question right now. AI and robotics have long been at the center of these considerations and now, more than ever, this is a pressing topic of discussion. However, this morality hasn't always been considered due to a generally optimistic world view that always sees the best possible outcome. But every leap in technology comes with a slate of negative externalities, many of which result form inventions being utilized in manners far from the scientists' intention. And the less immediately obvious the application, the less scrutiny it faces.

Influx, by Daniel Suarez, is a science fiction work about this very idea. In it, the debate about the potentially harmful consequences of advanced technology seamlessly blends with a strong science fiction story. Sacrifice meets greed, loyalty is tested, and friendships are formed. All the ingredients are there. And Suarez nails the execution as well. 

Character development is a very strong suit here - they feel almost like flesh and blood. World building is another strength. In his development of the fictional technologies, Suarez pulls in just enough actual science to make it believable. I had no trouble with my suspension of disbelief. Actually, I had to go so far as to search some of the things he mentions, such as glial cells. Finally, this has incredible pacing. It kept me engaged, unable to stop reading. Yet at just enough points the action slowed down, enough to keep it from being overwhelming. 

Influx was a Nominee for best Science Fiction on Goodreads in 2014. It's a well deserved honor and I give it a confident recommendation.


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