Sunday, June 5, 2022

Israel - Day 5

Breakfast in the hotel is almost the same, but that isn't a complaint. I had the same as the past few days- cottage cheese with muesli followed up by fresh vegetables. However, today I specifically tried playing attention to the contrast in breakfasts between the members of my group and local Israelis. While both groups leaned pretty heavily on scrambled eggs, there felt like a fundamental difference in focus. Americans appeared to favor pancakes, while the local folks used bread. Also, the locals tended to have more vegetables than I'm used to seeing in breakfast. Having started to eat fresh vegetables as part of my morning meal, I understand and really like the tradition.

We left Tiberius and drove to Arbel National Park for a walk with some amazing views. But the next part, where we visited a Druze village to learn about them and eat lunch. The ethno-religious group has a very unique culture and world view. Oh, and they have some incredible food. My favorite dish was a mint-cucumber-tomato salad. Cabbage salad wasn't bad, but in my opinion, it would have benefited from a touch of vinegar to add a bit of acid. Hummus was great, the best that I've tried here so far. The bulgur dish was fairly good, but not as memorable as the eggplant and chickpea dish, which I wish I had gotten the name of. And the coffee... Absolutely amazing. Strong, dark, with a touch of spices... Definitely a fitting end to the meal.

We arrived in Jerusalem just before dinner. A new hotel, a new hotel buffet. Again, there was a rich variety of vegetables, both grilled and fresh. I especially liked the grilled pepper and onion combination.

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