Saturday, June 4, 2022

Israel - Day 4

Today we left Tiberius for the day. After breakfast in the hotel buffet (same as yesterday) the group traveled to Safed. Very beautiful old city. It's amazing how some walks that were built by the crusaders are still there.

Lunch was provided individually in the old town. I checked another dish on my list by having some street falafel. It was good, but I can't honestly say that it was the greatest falafel I'd ever tried. Granted, I've had some amazing ones. One of the interesting realizations for me so far on this trip has been the importance of tahini. Previously, I only considered it in a supporting role- an ingredient in hummus or marinades. Here, it is a commonly used condiment, and I am growing to really like it.

A trip to a kibbutz which produces liquors and a boat trip down the Jordan River later, we arrived at dinner at a restaurant serving an Arabic buffet. There was a wide variety of food presented, but two standouts to me were the mint-parsley-tahini salad and a greens-tomato-mushroom salad. Creamy tahini contrasts nicely with the slight bite that mint brings and the citrus (lemon?) juice on the second salad accentuated the tomatoes and arugula's slight bitterness. Of course, I loved the pickled red onions, but who can resist those? I know I can't. Another joy was the mint tea at the end of the meal, which always helps with digestion. 

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