Friday, June 3, 2022

Israel - Day 3

 A couple of sleepless nights caught up to me. Even an early bedtime didn't make the 9:30 alarm effective. At least I'm well rested now?

11:00 wake up, make myself presentable and run down to grab breakfast before group activities which lasts until lunch. The hotel lunch is pretty good, and much the same as shabbat dinner had been. Breakfast, on the other hand, impressed me with the wide variety of cultured milk products. Cottage cheese, one type of yogurt, another, and another. I made a tasting test of these products and all but one got my seal of approval. The last was too sour in my opinion.

After lunch, I continued to explore Tiberius, which is much smaller than I had anticipated. Sun was beating down, so my water bottle proved invaluable.

Things finally started to open after the sun set and shabbat ended. I tried eating at a nice restaurant, called Big Ben, with the rest of the group. The waiter took everyone else's orders, ignoring me. Three subsequent attempts were also ignored. On my fifth try, he interrupted me, told me to wait, and left. Unfortunately, after seven minutes he hadn't returned, so I ended up leaving to find a place that would serve me.

The small shawarma shop that I ended up finding was amazing. Well, at least the sides were. Can't attest to the meat. In the end, I got a nice plate with a variety of salads and vegetables and a pita right from the grill. Incredible. Then, as I meandered around the boardwalk for a few hours, I tried watermelon ice cream for the first time. Let's just say that it was so tasty, that I went back for round two.

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