Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Walks of Life

Why do I walk?

The answer is there:

The trees by the path,

The water, the air.


The guiding whisper

That prods me along.

Tells me to seek out

The place I belong.


Any city or forest

Can hold the key

To unlocking the mystery

Puzzling me.


There's no correct path-

I can walk any way.

So I walk while I can

And enjoy every day.


July 13, 2019


One of the first battles of the American Civil War was fought near Bull Run. It was seen a guaranteed win for the North by the folks in surrounding areas, including DC, so civilians just flocked to battle field to watch. Then it turned into a rout by the Confederates. Yeah, not great. Anyway, now it's a beautiful park, and it happened to inspire this.

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