Sunday, October 23, 2022

“This isn’t flying, it’s falling with style”

It's one thing when stupid decisions put the one making them in danger. When they affect others, though, they portray the person making those poor choices in a very negative light. Not only stupid, but also greedy, inconsiderate, and in some cases a downright menace to society. Now, that is a pretty broad statement, so I'll provide an example (the one that actually prompted this post).

Early in my time in college, there were two main threats to pedestrians - bikes and ice. Gradually new ones emerged though- electric scooters and especially electric skateboards. Freshman year I got hit by bikers twice, both times in pedestrian areas with signs that bikes should be dismounted. But the great part is that both times both I and the biker were fine, and the bikers tended to be in significantly more pain. Straddling the bike's frame is rather unpleasant...

Now though, the electric skateboards fly twice as fast as the bikers. Pretty much none of them wear helmets. And many of them aren't great at obeying traffic laws. There were articles in the university newspaper regarding deliberations to ban them on campus. Now, I don't think that bans are necessary. I even don't mind that they don't wear helmets - their loss. However, I've heard, and even witnessed, these skaters hitting pedestrians and bikers. And when they are traveling faster than cars down the street... Well, serious injuries occur. And, unfortunately, not just for the person on the board. 

Stay safe folks. And if you do act in a fool-hearty manner as all of us humans occasionally do - please don't endanger others.

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