Sunday, November 27, 2022

(MATLAB == 42) = 1

Life sometimes works in funny ways. And when I say funny, I probably mean more along the lines of odd. Most of can be blamed on the human mind - utterly unpredictable and fickle in nature. For instance, last night I was watching the last episode of House of the Dragon while solving Sudoku puzzles and suddenly remembered a name that neither I nor the person I was talking to could remember during a conversation a few nights ago. Or for instance this morning, when I was sipping my coffee, jamming out to Carolus Rex, and generally enjoying MATLAB when I realized something - computers are an idealized version of humans. 

On the surface, it seems obvious, but it actually goes so much deeper. A certain individual, who probably doesn't read these rants, has, on many occasions, let me know that "MATLAB isn't programming, it's scripting". Yeah, sorry I don't do CS, I know you're secretly sore about it.

Anyways, MATLAB is amazing. I've been actively using it for years, yet like an head of cabbage, there's a new crisp leaf waiting to surprise me. Most use onions for metaphors involving layers, but MATLAB isn't tear inducing. As I dig deeper and deeper I find new layers, capabilities, and ideas. Same with people. Sometimes you just need to look a little deeper, past the basic UI and into the meat to find the value. So go find your MATLAB and dig deep. 

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