Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year, Old Me

Dear Reader,

    This is getting published on January 1, 2023. At least it is according to what we call the Gregorian calendar. Not that Pope Gregory was the one who created it, and not that it's still exactly the same one that he popularized, but it is what it is. 

    Rants about calendars aren't the point of this letter. What I truly wanted to say is Happy Holidays. I really hope that everyone had a chance to enjoy it, preferably with loved ones, be they family, friends, or anyone else. 

    This is a very special time of year in my opinion. As a child, every New Year's Eve we had a tradition of cleaning the house and taking a very good shower. Specifically, for some reason I remember putting effort into really soaping up between my toes. The point is that traditions matter - they mean more than the actions themselves. If you ask me what I did for all my birthday parties, I could name a couple of them - the time my parents rented the rock climbing gym, the gymnastics gym... But I know how we celebrated our New Years. The family lunches, going into the city for fireworks, midnight with family friends, a movie afterwards to top it off... And these memories really stick with you, be they washing your toes, or watching The NeverEnding Story while laying on the floor of friend's house. Traditions matter. Holidays matter. 

    I hope you had an amazing holiday period. And may joy, happiness, love, luck, and all that good stuff join you on another trip around the Sun.


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